Portugal has a population of 10,581,949 people, Portugal's capital city is Lisbon and largest city Lisbon.
Portugal personel income per capita $19,768, jobless rate 0.75% and its currency Euro (€) (EUR) . Portugal official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Portuguese, Mirandese, ethnics groups : 96.87% Portuguese, 3.13% others.
Portugal has 92,212 km2 (111th) 35,603 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $210.620 billion. Portugal president AnÃbal Cavaco Silva and prime minister Pedro Passos Coelho.
Portugal Economy
Portugal GDP : $210.620 billion, Per Capita : $19,768 Jobless Rate : 15.80% , Currency : Euro (€) (EUR) Inflation Rate : 1.90% , Interest Rate : 0.75% Debt GDP : 108.10% , Internet Ext. : .pt Calling Code : +351 , Time Zone : +0
Portugal Geography & Climate
Portugal Demographics & Ethnicity
Portugal Population : 10,581,949, Area : 92,212 km2 (111th) 35,603 sq mi Portugal Capital : Lisbon, Largest City : Lisbon Languages : Portuguese, Mirandese, Ethnicity : 96.87% Portuguese, 3.13% others.
Portugal Goverment & Military
Portugal President : AnÃbal Cavaco Silva, Prime Minister : Pedro Passos Coelho
Portugal Religion & Culture
Portugal History
Portugal has 92,212 km2 (111th) 35,603 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $210.620 billion. Portugal president AnÃbal Cavaco Silva and prime minister Pedro Passos Coelho.
Portugal Economy
Portugal GDP : $210.620 billion, Per Capita : $19,768 Jobless Rate : 15.80% , Currency : Euro (€) (EUR) Inflation Rate : 1.90% , Interest Rate : 0.75% Debt GDP : 108.10% , Internet Ext. : .pt Calling Code : +351 , Time Zone : +0
Portugal Geography & Climate
Portugal Demographics & Ethnicity
Portugal Population : 10,581,949, Area : 92,212 km2 (111th) 35,603 sq mi Portugal Capital : Lisbon, Largest City : Lisbon Languages : Portuguese, Mirandese, Ethnicity : 96.87% Portuguese, 3.13% others.
Portugal Goverment & Military
Portugal President : AnÃbal Cavaco Silva, Prime Minister : Pedro Passos Coelho
Portugal Religion & Culture
Portugal History
Where is Portugal & Map of Portugal
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