Japan has a population of 126,659,683 people, Japan's capital city is Tokyo and largest city Tokyo.
Japan personel income per capita $46,895 (18th), jobless rate 0.00% and its currency Yen (Â¥) (JPY) . Japan official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Japanese, ethnics groups : 98.5% Japanese, 0.5% Korean, 0.4% Chinese, 0.6% other.
Japan has 377,944 km2 (62nd) 145,925 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $5.984 trillion (3rd). Japan president Akihito and prime minister Shinzo Abe.
Japan Economy
Japan GDP : $5.984 trillion (3rd), Per Capita : $46,895 (18th) Jobless Rate : 4.20% , Currency : Yen (Â¥) (JPY) Inflation Rate : -0.10% , Interest Rate : 0.00% Debt GDP : 211.70% , Internet Ext. : .jp Calling Code : +81 , Time Zone : +9
Japan Geography & Climate
Japan Demographics & Ethnicity
Japan Population : 126,659,683, Area : 377,944 km2 (62nd) 145,925 sq mi Japan Capital : Tokyo, Largest City : Tokyo Languages : Japanese, Ethnicity : 98.5% Japanese, 0.5% Korean, 0.4% Chinese, 0.6% other.
Japan Goverment & Military
Japan President : Akihito, Prime Minister : Shinzo Abe
Japan Religion & Culture
Japan History
Japan has 377,944 km2 (62nd) 145,925 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $5.984 trillion (3rd). Japan president Akihito and prime minister Shinzo Abe.
Japan Economy
Japan GDP : $5.984 trillion (3rd), Per Capita : $46,895 (18th) Jobless Rate : 4.20% , Currency : Yen (Â¥) (JPY) Inflation Rate : -0.10% , Interest Rate : 0.00% Debt GDP : 211.70% , Internet Ext. : .jp Calling Code : +81 , Time Zone : +9
Japan Geography & Climate
Japan Demographics & Ethnicity
Japan Population : 126,659,683, Area : 377,944 km2 (62nd) 145,925 sq mi Japan Capital : Tokyo, Largest City : Tokyo Languages : Japanese, Ethnicity : 98.5% Japanese, 0.5% Korean, 0.4% Chinese, 0.6% other.
Japan Goverment & Military
Japan President : Akihito, Prime Minister : Shinzo Abe
Japan Religion & Culture
Japan History
Where is Japan & Map of Japan
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