United Kingdom has a population of 63,181,775 people, United Kingdom's capital city is London and largest city London. United Kingdom personel income per capita $38,591, jobless rate 0.50% and its currency Pound sterling (GBP) . United Kingdom official languages and mostly spoken dialects are English, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Scots and Ulster-Scots, Welsh, Cornish, ethnics groups : 92.1% White, 4.0% South Asian, 2.0% Black, 1.2% Mixed, 0.4% Chinese, 0.4% Other.
United Kingdom has 243,610 km2 (80th) 94,060 sq mi, its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $2.434 trillion (7th). United Kingdom president Queen Elizabeth II and prime minister David Cameron.
United Kingdom Economy
United Kingdom GDP : $2.434 trillion (7th), Per Capita : $38,591 Jobless Rate : 7.70% , Currency : Pound sterling (GBP) Inflation Rate : 2.70% , Interest Rate : 0.50% Debt GDP : 85.00% , Internet Ext. : .uk Calling Code : +44 , Time Zone : +0
United Kingdom Geography & Climate
United Kingdom Demographics & Ethnicity
United Kingdom Population : 63,181,775, Area : 243,610 km2 (80th) 94,060 sq mi United Kingdom Capital : London, Largest City : London Languages : English, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Scots and Ulster-Scots, Welsh, Cornish, Ethnicity : 92.1% White, 4.0% South Asian, 2.0% Black, 1.2% Mixed, 0.4% Chinese, 0.4% Other.
United Kingdom Goverment & Military
United Kingdom President : Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister : David Cameron
United Kingdom Religion & Culture
United Kingdom History
United Kingdom
Capital : London
Population :
GDP : $2.434 trillion (7th)
Per Capita : $38,591
Calling Code : +44
Jobless Rate : 7.70%
Area : 243,610 km2 (80th) 94,060 sq mi
Largest City : London
President : Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister : David Cameron
Currency : Pound sterling (GBP)
Time Zone : +0
Internet Ext. : .uk
Inflation Rate : 2.70%
Interest Rate : 0.50%
Debt GDP : 85.00%
Languages : English, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Scots and Ulster-Scots, Welsh, Cornish
Ethnicity : 92.1% White, 4.0% South Asian, 2.0% Black, 1.2% Mixed, 0.4% Chinese, 0.4% Other
Where is United Kingdom & Map of United Kingdom
United Kingdom Largest Cities and United Kingdom Image Gallery