North America has a population of 528,720,588 people, North America's capital city is 23 countries and largest city . North America personel income per capita , jobless rate and its currency . North America official languages and mostly spoken dialects are , ethnics groups : .
North America has 24,709,000 km2 (9,540,000 sq mi), its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is . North America president and prime minister .
North America Economy
North America GDP : , Per Capita : Jobless Rate : , Currency : Inflation Rate : , Interest Rate : Debt GDP : , Internet Ext. : Calling Code : , Time Zone :
North America Geography & Climate
North America Demographics & Ethnicity
North America Population : 528,720,588, Area : 24,709,000 km2 (9,540,000 sq mi) North America Capital : 23 countries, Largest City : Languages : , Ethnicity : .